What's your favorite part of fashion?

onsdag 25 mars 2015

Freaky Fashion

Hello sunshine! Omg, the sun is really shining after a long winter in cold. That's makes me really happy so I wanted to tell you guys what fashion is in right now after the winter. 
All the girls wear a "baggy" style like they were boys. Boyfriend jeans and a hoddie and a cap. It's actually really hot. The boys are wearing chinos and a brand shirt. In Sweden now a days everyone listen to swedish rap very load every where they are even if they are at the subway. The funny thing about that almost everyone listened to the same music is that if you are walking by someone who's listen at it you and she/he are singing together for a second instead for saying hi to each other. Which is really cool! 

Well now I have to get outside in the beautiful weather and I think Im gonna jog or something. Have a great day! 

fredag 13 mars 2015

Friends and freetime

Hi guys! I just come home from the gym and Ken is cocking some dinner so I had nothing to do so I thought I could write a post about my friends and freetime. So in my freetime I take a class on the gym about 4 times a week with Ken or without Ken sometimes with my best friend Elin.

On the weekend I like to party with my friends in a club or home at someones place. Last weekend me and my three friends Paul, Gustav and Frida was on a party at a guys house and no one of us know who the people there where. But they where very nice and funny so the hole night I was laughing and dancing. At some point me, Paul and Gustav realise that Frida was gone. We told the other people to tell ous if they saw her. Everybody looked in the hole house we all looked for like an hour and finally a guy found her. I ran as fast as I could and there in a locker locked in she sat like a meatball and said: I didn't find my phone. We all laughed so hard that we couldn't breathe.

In the week after work I hang out with my favorit girl Simona Im her contact person. I also hang out with my friends and Ken to have some dinner at lunch time.

Well now I have to go because dinner is ready! Meatballs hahahah

tisdag 3 mars 2015

My family

Hi for the first time guys! In this blog Im gonna tell you about my awesome life. First Im gonna tell you a little facts about me. My name is Barbie and Im 26 years old and work as a police because I have always wanted to help people and my theory is that you talk to people to fix things not bring them against the wall cause its not gonna fix things up. Im living in a beautiful apartment in Malmö Sweden with my boyfriend Ken. We are engaged and have been that for 2 years know. We both love hang out with our friends so on the weekend we always have a party at home our in our friends houses. And on a work day me and Ken always go to the gym. So now that you know some facts about me Im gonna tell you about my family. I have 2 brothers a mum and a dad. My oldest brother is 33 years old and are married with a girl named Juliana they are so lucky that they have each other and have two kids that are 5 and 7. My other brother is 31 and focusing on his career as a stuntman, but he has a girlfriend to. My mum and dad have two house one in spain were we are going in the summer and one in Lund Sweden. Mum always cook dinner every time Im visiting them witch I do 3 times a week. Dad is always there to fix your car and that sort of things. I really love my family cause we got such good connection.